
leprechaun in alabama?

this really deserves it's own post.

i'm really not sure what my favourite part of this video was. the "amateur sketch" was certainly a highlight. i had to concur that the lady's conspiracy theory that the alleged leprechaun was actually just a misguided crackhead was probably pretty accurate, given that the event took place in the hood. but probably the best part was the guy in fatigues showing off his magic flute, passed down through 1000's of years from his great granddad.

"i want da gold. gimme da gold. i want da gold!"

excellent tv. excellent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Megan, where in the world did you find this?! I'm showing Ed tonight as he will think this is a riot. I think these "back woods" folks need to go get a life. I wonder, do you think they see the leprechaun as black, white, or some other color?